The Key role of the positive manager

por | Nov 21, 2019 | Blog en | 0 Comentarios

He is, along with Green Nose Managing Director  and Captain Optimistic, one of the three superheroes who transform hospitals into optimistic hospitals.

He is an intermediate manager, he is in charge of a team and his role is essential to achieve the adequate psycho-social health to enable a positive patient experience.

Likewise, the application of the centre’s management policies depends to a large extent on its communication skills.

This is the type of leadership that a manager should offer to his team:

Be a transformational leader:

He sees the great potential in each person.

He looks at their strengths and tries to enhance them.

When you treat people the way they are, you slow them down. When you treat them as the people they can become, giving them confidence and hope, you help them to offer their best version.

Thanks to your support, your collaborators are able to visualize it and gradually reach it.




Be a compassionate leader:

manager poIn addition to feeling empathy for others, he strives to help them, to alleviate their suffering.

Compassion in health is the openness to the suffering of others and the willingness to relieve it. It is the way to make science human.

Be an exemplary leader:

He is a person of integrity and fairness. He does not demand of others what he is not willing to do himself.

In addition to «saying», he does «what he says».

Be a conscious leader:

He knows who he is and what his true life purpose is.

He knows that in order to achieve his best version, constant personal transformation is the key.

He seeks to free himself from his unconscious fears.

Be a generator of alliances:

He seeks support from other services, other specialties within the organization: DOES NOT talk about » his » patient.

Take advantage of the common service to interest groups to break the «silos» between specialties.

He is convinced that, no matter how extensive his know-how and experience, he barely grasps part of reality and needs others to cover a situation.

He fosters alliances between people, between services, between specialties…

He knows that no one can remain isolated so as not to get burned.



He offers autonomy to his coworkers:

In spite of his superpowers, Captain Optimistic cannot fulfill his mission if he does not feel institutional support.

The positive manager is the closest representative of the institution.

Without this plot of autonomy, it is almost impossible for Captain Optimism to fly high.

Be a communicator:

manager positivoHe knows that he must constantly communicate with his team.

He knows that for a good communication one must first listen.

He never communicates too much.

He knows that the responsibility lies on the sender.

Through good communication, he involves his teams in the decision-making processes, and makes them feel an important part of the process.

Did you enjoy meeting our Positive Manager?

Surely you have recognized in many aspects some leaders with whom you have worked in the past or with whom you are lucky enough to work today. We invite you to share this post with them to continue building Optimist Hospitals.

Florent Amion
President at Fundación Hospital Optimista

José Fonseca Pires
Professor at AESE Business School



Do you want to know more? We will present the book in NYC the 16th December 2019. Do you want to join us?


Anna Pérez

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